Respect Life.
Let us continue to build a culture that cherishes and protects every human life.
Join us.
October is Respect Life Month - respect life all yearlong
see our webpage for ways to get involved: weekly - monthly - annually
Prayer for Life.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God and Son of Mary, we praise and thank You for the precious gift of life, Divine Life and human life.
We commit ourselves to adoring and proclaiming Your Personal Presence in the Most Holy Eucharist, for in You alone is the victory of life.
We dedicate our lives to protecting and defending all human life; the unborn babies, the sick, the elderly, the poor, and all victims of violence.
We implore Your Love and Mercy upon the whole world, for You are the true source of all peace and all hope. Amen.
“There are things in life that are bigger than ourselves. Life is short, live it well.”