“Enter, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the Lord who made us.”
Come sit with the Lord.
Every Wednesday.
Immediately following our 6:30 PM Daily Mass (Spanish), the Blessed Sacrament is exposed overnight until Thursday morning at 8:00 AM
Now on Thursdays!
Starting at 3PM until Friday morning at 8AM
Every Friday.
Adoration begins on Friday at 3:00 PM until Saturday morning at 8:00 AM
“Source and Summit” event.
The celebration of the Eucharist is the “Source and Summit” of our faith. Yet, many of us find we are easily distracted while participating in the sacrifice of the Mass. Some even wonder why we do the things we do and what the point of the Mass really is. If this is you, you are not alone. If you want to better understand the Mass and your role in it, we can help.
Participate in one of our “Source & Summit” events
Every other month, on the first Saturday
(except for the first one, scheduled for July 8)
During these sessions, we start by reviewing the Catholic teaching on the Real Presence. We then move on to the Mass, focusing on its purpose and your role in Eucharistic Celebration. Whether you are new to the faith or a “cradle Catholic” we guarantee you will learn something that will stimulate your desire for Mass and increase your ability to enthusiastically participate.
You will walk away with our “What’s in Church?” and “Five Parts of the Mass” guides used throughout the sessions. By the end of the session, you will understand the “What” and “Why” of Mass so that your days of being a “Bored Again” Christian will be over.
This session is suitable for those age 10 and above. It's 75 minutes that could change your faith life and the faith life of your friends & family. Come on out and see what you’ve been missing!
In the church, 5:30-6:45 PM on First Saturdays, every other month, starting July 8, 2023.
Real Presence.
Engage yourself, your family or even a small group in a study of this mystery - a study of the Eucharist, the source and summit of our Faith
Click below to see “Presence” on Formed.org