Advent Mission
Holy Family is hosting Father Tim Peters, professor of St John’s Seminary and Diocese Of Orange Biblical Institute for our Advent Mission
Monday, December 16 and Tuesday, December 17
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM each night
In the church
Join us for one or both nights - Father Tim will deliver two teachings on The Birth of the Messiah: A Journey through the Infancy Narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Come delve deeper in understanding the scriptures of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, whose arrival we are preparing for during the Advent season.
On Monday, December 16, Father Tim will be reviewing the scriptures of the Infancy Narrative through the Gospel of Matthew. Click below for preparatory information for Night one.
Matthew Chapter 1 - The Good News of the Gospel and the importance of the Lord’s promises to Abraham and David; The Virgin Mary, the Great prophecy of Isaiah and four other unlikely women who were Matriarchs in Israel; Saint Joseph, his silence, his dreams and his actions; Mary’s perpetual virginity, reading the text with the early Church;
Matthew Chapter 2 - The Magi, the Star and the prophecy of Balaam in Numbers 24:17; King Herod, his ambition, his building projects and his reputation in Rome; The Holy Innocents, a great challenge for our culture; The importance of Bethlehem and the prophecy in Micah 5; The meaning of Nazareth and the promise of a Davidic King in Isaiah 11.
On Tuesday, December 17, Father will return to teach on the perspective through the Gospel of Luke. Click below for preparation of Night Two.
Luke Chapter 1 - Zechariah, his service in the Temple and his encounter with Gabriel; The Annunciation and Mary’s Fiat; Gabriel’s words and the importance of the Davidic Kingdom; The Virgin Birth and the Great Prophecy of the Son of Man in Daniel Chapter 7; The Visitation, Mary’s Magnificat and Hannah’s Song in 2 Samuel chapter 2; Zechariah’s Canticle and the mission of John the Baptist;
Luke Chapter 2 - The census in Luke’s Gospel and Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem; The Presentation in the Temple; Simeon and his prophesy that a sword would pierce Mary’s heart; Simeon’s prayer; Mary contemplated all these things in her heart.
A “free will” offering will be collected each night to support Father Peters’ work in opening up Sacred Scripture for all. Thank you in advance for your generous support of his work.
“When we study the Bible, we meet Christ in a new, transformative way. The Catholic Biblical Institute provides opportunities for anyone to study scripture and apply the story of Christ in everyday life.”
The Catholic Biblical Institute in the Diocese of Orange presents these short retreats with the goal of inspiring the faithful to continually study Sacred Scripture. All are welcome to attend. Those wishing to take more courses in The Biblical institute may take these retreats as part of their introductory preparation. More information will be provided during our retreat.