
Thank you to all who will help decorate the church sanctuary this coming season!

Plants ordered on behalf of Holy Family Church through the 8th Grade Fundraiser “for donation to the church” will be delivered directly to the church. All other plants can be picked up on Friday, December 6 from 8:30 AM - 5 PM in the Parish Hall; unclaimed plants will also be donated to the church.

For questions, contact Tara Cowell: (714) 262-8879 or tara@cowelllaw.com

To sponsor a poinsettia for a loved one, please visit our office or enter here:

If you would like to help decorate in person, please contact the parish office and ask for “Stephanie Hernandez”, to help with     environment for the holidays, (714) 639-2900 or email parish@hforange.org


Our Lady of Guadalupe

